Sunday, February 3, 2008

After the long silence

Sorry I didn't post anything in the last few days, I've been studying for an exam. I should probably tell you about the places I've seen a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not going to. Cause once again i'm going to complain about my situation. I'm thinking about dropping out of college. As you know, I'm studying Economics. Well, what you don't know is that i never in my life gave a fuck about economics. My first choice was International Literature (I don't know the name you use for it) but I thought, what the hell, what am i gonna do after that? I mean, you don't have a lot of work after you've studied literature for 5 years. So I forgot about that, and thought about Architecture (spelling?) but then again, too hard for me, and I've never even wanted to do that. So I thought, what should I do? And checked all my possible choices. Well, THEN I chose Economics. I thought, It could give me a nice work, I could earn some money and live a nice, safe life. I started, and I was happy about my choice, it could work, i could do it, it wasn't too hard, and it would grant me a job. Well, now I think, WHATEVER. I don't wanna be one of those business men who don't have a personal life and are all about work work work in their company. I don't give a fuck about being rich, or anything. I want to be happy. And studying Economics does not (and will not) make me happy. The only reason I'm still in this fucking place is that I have to study to get a job, to be eventually able to live on my own. Well, you know what? I don't care. I want to leave this place cause I know I'll never be happy here. And if I don't do anything know, when should I? I should wait till I finish college? That would mean 5 years. 5 fucking years. I can't bear that, I just can't.

So I'm trying to understand how things work in England. I mean, is a diploma enough? Or you must have a degree? I have my diploma, I have the will to change and do something. So what should I do? I don't know. And I'm posting this so you can help me with some answers and opinions. Please tell me anything, even the smallest thing, cause I can't do it alone.


Somebluenotes said...

Drew, I'm sorry things have been so awful. I wish I could help you there. However I can offer some advice. You could try to enjoy the place and situation. Join a club that interest and make some friends who will possibly help you go through this and show you the place too. Go to a pub and meet new people. Maybe if you socialize for a while, you find the place more fun?

I'm not exactly sure you should do with study. You can continue it or if you can start a new field. But I think if you found it interesting at first, you can find that feeling again with time. Keep holding on there buddy, things will get better. Be optimistic. =)

In the meantime, I'll see what I can do about my friend's sister. =)